Truth and Reconciliation Day

Today in chapel, Briercrest Indigenous Coordinator, Andrew Russell, spoke to our campus community.
Russell, himself status Wood Mountain Lakota, lamented the way brutalities were committed against his people and calling for real compassionate action. He asked people to go beyond wearing an orange shirt and to actually "Listen, learn, and lament."
In his own endeavor to care for fellow Indigenous people, Russell has forged relationships with elders and others invested in the same interests. In his words, he is on "a learning journey" himself and seeking ways that he can both do and encourage compassionate, mindful ministry.
Listen and watch the chapel to hear Russell's message and his original spoken word poem, "For Those Who Were Taken":
Andrew recently sat down with Briercrest alumni Sid Koop and Jeremy MacDonald on the Volunteer Youth Worker Podcast to talk about what we can each consider doing both to learn and to serve.
Click below to hear their conversation on Truth and Reconciliation.