Briercrest Seminary to Continue Online Through April 2022

Since March 2020, Briercrest Seminary has been offering all regularly scheduled courses in online synchronous and asynchronous formats.
While the change in forum has adjusted how seminary students engage with the Briercrest community, it has opened doors for new students to access studies they otherwise would not have. Existing students have similarly been afforded the opportunity to take more classes owing to reduced travel expenses.
While remaining eager for when seminary students may return to our campus, we are grateful for the ways we have been able to continue educating disciples to equip the church and engage the world.
After considerable deliberation, and recognizing the many variables involved (many of which are beyond our control), Briercrest Seminary has decided to continue our exclusively online course delivery for the Winter semester (January through April 22, 2022).
We have been gratified by the flexibility of our students, staff, and faculty over these past months and remain committed to offering quality graduate theological education.
Any comments or questions you have may be directed to Blayne Banting, Dean of the Seminary ( A further decision on course delivery for the Spring semester will be forthcoming.
[Video: About Briercrest Seminary | Explore Briercrest Seminary]