President Pawelke Shares His Briercrest Story in a Letter

Briercrest has always been more than a place—it’s a community where lives are transformed, faith is deepened, and leaders are equipped for Kingdom service.
This truth resonates deeply with our President, who shares his own heartfelt story of how Briercrest changed the course of his life. From his first encounter as a high school student sensing God's call to ministry to his role today as a dedicated leader stewarding this vital mission, his testimony reminds us of the profound impact this institution has on all who encounter it.
Read on for a personal letter from our President, sharing his love for Briercrest and inviting you to be a part of what God is doing at Briercrest.
Dear Friends,
I will often say that I love my job and that I love what I get to do here at Briercrest. That is certainly not to say that there aren't pressures and challenges with my role as president, but Briercrest has played an enormously impactful role in my life.
Briercrest entered my world in my last year of high school. I had become a Christian through reading a little Gideon New Testament just a few years before and I was beginning to sense the tug of God towards ministry. A spiritual mentor knew about my wrestling and invited me to a fund-raising banquet that Briercrest was hosting in downtown Toronto. Of course, the event did not get an offering from me that was even large enough to pay for my dinner, but the evening impacted me deeply. I immediately launched my application.
I would spend the next three years of my life at Briercrest. During this time, I would be profoundly shaped by the Scriptures through the modelling and teaching of others. I would meet a wonderful young lady named Linda who, after several years of exchanging letters and long-distance phone calls, would become the love of my life, my wife, and my best friend. In my freshman year, I had a brief but pivotal interchange with the Dean of Students, and that marked me. He simply put his hand on my shoulder one day and asked me if I was planning to go out for student leadership. That became an affirmation that God used to move me forward in serving Christ.
I would graduate from Briercrest and continue with more education while returning to my home church each summer. I would eventually serve as a pastor at my home church in Toronto for 3 years, plant a church in Winnipeg for 8 years, and serve a church in Burlington for 19 years. While pastoring in Burlington, the Board of Directors of Briercrest invited me to join them. I served on the board for several years until, in 2013, the board would ask me to become president following Dr. Dwayne Uglem.
Leaving a church that we deeply loved was enormously difficult. Leaving family and friends was still harder. However, I embraced this new calling with the same mindset that every shepherd in God’s kingdom should have – a mandate to protect, to provide, and to guide. And so, my address changed, as did my title, but at the core, I was still a servant, a shepherd seeking to steward the charge of leadership in God’s mission. Today, I am overcome by our privilege of educating disciples, equipping the church, and engaging our world. I love teaching in the classroom and in Chapel, leading our team, connecting with alumni, preaching in churches, representing the institution in a host of settings, and being accountable to our Board.
I love to invite students to this education that disciples, and I love to invite you, our alumni, friends, parents, and supporters, to partner with us in this incredible mission. We are grateful for the lives that have been transformed and the faith that has been deepened within these walls. This ministry is made possible by you, like-minded people who believe in the mission of Briercrest.
This year, as we face rising financial needs, we need your partnership more than ever. Your gifts are crucial to sustaining our programs and providing the resources that enable students to experience a transformative education. We depend on the generosity of people like you to help us close the financial gap and ensure that Briercrest continues to thrive. I ask you to prayerfully consider making a generous gift today. Your support makes a direct and lasting impact on the lives of our students and helps us continue equipping the next generation for Kingdom service.
Yes, Briercrest changed my life, and I continue to be refined in this place. Briercrest continues to do this in the lives of staff, students, alumni, and beyond. And so, I invite you to come alongside and support the work of Briercrest in our world. Help us help others in this God-glorifying mission!
Thank you for your prayers, encouragement to others to consider Briercrest, and for partnering with us in generous support. All we do is made possible by you!
With gratitude,
Dr. Michael B. Pawelke
Because of you, lives are transformed, faith is deepened, and leaders are equipped for Kingdom service. Your generosity fuels our mission—to call students to seek the kingdom of God, be shaped profoundly by the scriptures, and be formed spiritually and intellectually for lives of service. Please prayerfully consider making a gift today. Every contribution makes a profound difference.
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