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Showing 111 to 121 of 212 posts.


Disciple-making, Emerging Adults, and University Campuses

Not all emerging adults are deconstructing or done with faith. In this episode, we explore growing disciple-making movements and church plants on Canadian university campuses with Robin Wallar, Lead Pastor of LIFT Church in the Toronto/Hamilton region.


Micro-churches, Disciple-making, and Co-vocational Ministry with Jeremiah Capule

Multiplying disciples sounds good in theory, but how do you actually do it? In this episode, we discuss multiplying disciples and churches with Jeremiah Capule. Jeremiah Capule leads a diverse disciple-making, house church network throughout Calgary (a...


Briercrest's New Agribusiness Concentration Ready to Launch

With the addition of Steve Funk as an adjunct professor for Briercrest College's new Agribusiness concentration, the first course is ready to be launched in Winter 2024.


Burnout - Ministry Resiliency

Ministry burnout - we pour everything out and there’s nothing left. On this episode we talk about building lifelong resiliency in ministry with our guest Dr. Keith Taylor.


Briercrest Seminary Launches New Ministry Course Collection

This carefully curated package of courses aims to provide aspiring ministers, those in pastoral ministry, and anyone interested in being better equipped to serve God's kingdom with valuable insights, practical strategies, and biblical wisdom.


Church in the North Podcast

Thoughtful, sometimes humorous, conversations with church leaders from north of the 49th parallel. We share the untold stories of ministry practitioners who God is using in diverse settings across Canada.


President's Chapel September 6, 2023

Dr. Pawelke shares the wonderful truth that “God is Great and God is Good.” Jesus is transcendent and above all, yet he loved us enough to step down from his throne to die on our behalf.


Briercrest Celebrates 60th Youth Quake Event with the Highest Attendance in 20 Years!

Briercrest recently celebrated its monumental 60th Youth Quake event in style. This year's event saw unprecedented attendance, breaking 20-year records.


Briercrest Business Program Launches Agribusiness Concentration

Briercrest College has recently announced the latest addition to its Business Degree program—an Agribusiness concentration.


Briercrest's TESOL Degree Receives Provincial Authorization

Briercrest College continues pursuit of excellence in education with Provincial Authorization for TESOL Degree