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Showing 121 to 131 of 144 posts.


Briercrest Celebrates 60th Youth Quake Event with the Highest Attendance in 20 Years!

Briercrest recently celebrated its monumental 60th Youth Quake event in style. This year's event saw unprecedented attendance, breaking 20-year records.


Briercrest Business Program Launches Agribusiness Concentration

Briercrest College has recently announced the latest addition to its Business Degree program—an Agribusiness concentration.


Briercrest's TESOL Degree Receives Provincial Authorization

Briercrest College continues pursuit of excellence in education with Provincial Authorization for TESOL Degree


Help for Multivocational Ministry Leaders

Briercrest Eases the Burdens Faced by Multivocational Ministry Leaders and Their Loved Ones by Providing Free Counselling Services


Interpreting the End


YQ 2023 | Senior Retreat Highlights

Here is our highlight video showcasing some of the incredible moments from the Senior Youth Quake of 2023. In total YQ 2023 brought over 2000 youth and leaders from 5 provinces to the Briercrest campus between the two retreats.